DAB Bar 1.3 Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Alistair MacDonald All Rights Reserved http://www.dabbar.co.uk/ alistair@dabbar.co.uk * DAB Bar 1.3a (13/04/2002) XP Recode bug fixed. Large fonts bug fixed (Error message and Options layout). Crash on scroll speed on 0 fixed. Can be started with Minimize/Maximize shortcut pram to hide/show bar. Double click on icon in full list enabled. Play on start-up/scan settings saved on forced closedown (XP logoff). Timer start time/length rounding fixed. * DAB Bar 1.3 (21/03/2002) Fixed occasional icon transparency. Changed HTTP interface to use server name supplied by client or IP address. Password added to HTTP interface (across network only). Improved HTTP buffering. Options window added. Child windows (fill list/schedule) now resizable. All windows now independent. Popup menu added to full service list. Absent services can be removed in scan. Service ID as Command line starts play. Exit conformation removed unless capturing. System power saving disabled when playing/recording/timer enabled. Hardware closed/opened gracefully on supped. Timer tunes before start time (if able) for timer record. .csv files used for storing service information. Service Ids stared as Hex values, decimal still acceptable. Settings stored in windows registry. Task bar menu fixed when bar hidden. Service corruption work around implemented. RealPlayer "Jingle" fix implemented. Support files added as EXE resources. Patched for large fonts. New full colour Icon and tidied logo. Icons stored in DLL for efficiency. Generic service icons introduced (when no service icon). DLS Shows when recording. Quick menu can show Favourites and Resents. DAB Bar HTTP API Expanded (and almost finalised). Full list and schedule positions/size saved. Size reset added to full list and schedule systems menus. Basic command line implemented. Scan at start up confirmation. Service properties and shortcut creation added to list. Hide/Show bar controls simplified to clicks in upper right of bar/tray icon. The bar slides in and out. (My entry of next years Turner prize! ;-) ) New recoder to record and resample to MP2, Ogg Vorbis and PCM Wave. Scan optimised. Record cashed while filename is being entered. Scroll speed control introduced. Timer record now accepts over 24 hours. HTTP server fixed under Win2000 and XP. * DAB Bar 1.2 (02/11/2001) HTTP and ICY interface added. Added timer record facility. Exit confirmation added when recording/capturing/playing. Option added to play last service on start-up. Ability to use non Band III frequencies added. Recents count setting added. Tidied service list graphics. Patched for stretched display anomaly. Added and improved more icons. Existing MP3/MP3 files are backed up. * DAB Bar 1.1 (03/09/2001) List remembers sort order. Record option added to menus. Record integrated in to list. Clicking on icon in List plays station. Fixed menu vanishing problem when bar not visible. Added many more icons. * DAB Bar 1.0 (18/08/2001) Original release.